Best Tankmates for Betta Fish in a Community Aquarium


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When it comes to creating a vibrant planted community aquarium, betta fish are a popular choice due to their stunning colors and unique personalities. I’ve certainly found them to be a fantastic centerpiece fish for smaller planted aquariums. However, it’s important to carefully select tankmates that can coexist peacefully with bettas.

In this article, we will explore the best fish species to pair with bettas in a community aquarium. We’ll also discuss the best non-fish tankmates, such as snails and shrimp.

Best Fish Tankmates for Bettas

Kuhli Loaches

Kuhli loaches are a great choice to pair with bettas in a community tank. These slender and peaceful fish are known for their playful nature and fascinating burrowing behavior. They prefer to live in groups, so it’s recommended to have at least three or more in the tank. Kuhli loaches are mainly active during the night, which makes them an interesting addition to the tank.

Bristlenose Plecostomus

Bristlenose plecostomus, also known as bushynose plecos, are small and peaceful bottom-dwelling fish that can coexist well with bettas. They are known for their algae-eating abilities, which help keep the tank clean. Bristlenose plecos are not aggressive and are unlikely to bother bettas, making them an excellent choice for a community tank. Bristlenose plecos love to chew on aquatic wood as well, so it would be a good idea to add some to your planted tank if you intend on keeping this betta fish tankmate.

Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras catfish, or cory cats, are a popular choice for community aquariums due to their peaceful nature and interesting behavior. These small catfish are known for their ability to clean up leftover food and debris from the bottom of the tank. They are social fish and should be kept in groups of at least six. Corydoras catfish are compatible with bettas as long as the tank is spacious enough and provides plenty of hiding spots.

Neon Tetras

Neon tetras are vibrant and active schooling fish that can add a stunning visual display to a community tank. They are small in size and have peaceful temperaments, making them suitable companions for bettas. Neon tetras thrive in groups, so it’s recommended to have at least six or more in the tank. However, it’s important to keep an eye on the betta’s behavior, as some individuals may show aggression towards the bright colors of the tetras.

Harlequin Rasbora

Harlequin rasboras are another popular choice for community aquariums. These small and peaceful fish have striking colors and are known for their active behavior. Harlequin rasboras are schooling fish, so it’s best to keep them in groups of at least six or more. They generally coexist well with bettas, but as always, it’s important to monitor the tank dynamics.


Otocinclus, also known as otos or dwarf suckermouth catfish, are peaceful algae eaters that can be a great addition to a betta community tank. These small catfish are known for their ability to keep the tank clean by consuming algae. Otocinclus are social fish, so it’s recommended to keep them in groups of at least three or more. They are generally compatible with bettas, but providing ample hiding spots is crucial to preventing any potential aggression.

Best Invertebrate Tankmates for Bettas

Ramshorn Snails

Ramshorn snails are small, spiral-shaped snails that can be a beneficial addition as betta fish tankmates. They help to clean up leftover food and detritus, contributing to a healthier tank environment. Ramshorn snails are peaceful and generally do not bother bettas. However, it’s important to keep their population in check, as they can reproduce rapidly under favorable conditions.

Nerite Snails

Nerite snails are one of my favorite additions to community tanks. They are known for their ability to consume algae, helping to maintain a clean and balanced ecosystem. Nerite snails have peaceful temperaments and are unlikely to cause any issues with bettas. They come in various colors and patterns, adding visual interest to the tank. Unlike ramshorn snails, nerite snails will not reproduce in freshwater environments.

Amano Shrimp

Amano shrimp

Amano shrimp are small and peaceful crustaceans that can coexist well with bettas. They are excellent algae eaters and can help keep the tank clean. Amano shrimp are also known for their interesting behavior and can be a fascinating addition to the tank. However, it’s important to provide hiding spots and ensure that the betta does not see them as potential prey.

Maintaining a Betta Fish Community Tank

Creating a harmonious community tank with bettas requires careful consideration of compatible tankmates. The betta fish tankmates mentioned above, such as kuhli loaches, bristlenose plecostomus, corydoras catfish, neon tetras, harlequin rasbora, and otocinclus, can coexist peacefully with bettas in a well-maintained planted aquarium. Additionally, non-fish tankmates like ramshorn snails, nerite snails, and amano shrimp can contribute to the overall health and cleanliness of the tank. Remember to always monitor the behavior of the betta fish tankmates and provide suitable hiding spots to ensure a stress-free environment for all.




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